(1) Eppley, M., Coote, T. (In review). DNA identification of endangered shark meat substituted for swordfish in New England markets. Target Journal: Conservation Genetics. Preprint:
(1) Eppley, M., Coote, T. (In review). DNA identification of endangered shark meat substituted for swordfish in New England markets. Target Journal: Conservation Genetics. Preprint:
(2) Eppley, M. (2024). American Society of Naturalists. Forthcoming Paper: "Whole-Genome Sequencing Reveals That Regulatory and Low Pleiotropy Variants Underlie Local Adaptation to Environmental Variability in Purple Sea Urchins".
(1) Eppley, M. (2023). American Society of Naturalists. Forthcoming Paper: "Seasonality and the Coexistence of Pathogen Strains".
(2) Eppley, M. (2024). American Society of Naturalists. Forthcoming Paper: "Whole-Genome Sequencing Reveals That Regulatory and Low Pleiotropy Variants Underlie Local Adaptation to Environmental Variability in Purple Sea Urchins".
(1) Eppley, M. (2023). American Society of Naturalists. Forthcoming Paper: "Seasonality and the Coexistence of Pathogen Strains".
(1) Eppley, M. (2020). A Study of Shark and Swordfish Meat Substitutions in New England Markets. Senior Theses, Bard Digital Commons.
(1) Eppley, M. (2020). A Study of Shark and Swordfish Meat Substitutions in New England Markets. Senior Theses, Bard Digital Commons.
Oral Presentations
Invited Conference Symposia
Conservation Genetics Across Multiple Species, Organizers: Dr. Ruth Rivkin & Dr. Chloé Schmidt
(2024) Eppley M., Rumberger C., Lotterhos K. "Combining insights from contemporary range-wide population structure and historic DNA to inform conservation of the eastern oyster" 3rd Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology, Montréal, Canada. [Video Recording]
Regular Conference Contributed
(2023) Eppley M., Lotterhos K. “Geographic associations of eastern oyster phenotypes and macroparasite presence” Evolution 2023, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
(2023) Eppley M. “Spatial and temporal scales of adaptation in the eastern oyster” Gloucester Marine Genomics Institute - Northeastern University Retreat, Gloucester, Massachusetts.
Annual Department Symposium
(2024) Eppley M. "Revealing adaptation to a severe disease epizootic in the eastern oyster using historic DNA" Northeastern University Marine Science Center Graduate Symposium, Nahant, Massachusetts. Awarded Best Talk (2nd place) by faculty judging and Best Talk (3rd place) by graduate student judging.
(2023) Eppley M. “Geographic associations of eastern oyster phenotypes and macroparasite presence” Northeastern University Marine Science Center Graduate Symposium, Nahant, Massachusetts.
(2022) Eppley M. “Spatio-temporal dynamics of oyster disease pressure driven by abiotic stressors in the Chesapeake Bay” Northeastern University Marine Science Center Graduate Symposium, Nahant, Massachusetts. (Lightning Talk)
Additional Talks
(2024) Eppley M. "Revealing 25 years of genomic evolution in the eastern oyster using preserved historic museum specimens" American Museum of Natural History Ancient DNA Workshop, New York City, New York. (Lightning Talk)
(2023) Eppley M. "Revealing 25 years of genomic evolution in the eastern oyster using preserved historic museum specimens" University of Oklahoma LMAMR (Laboratories of Molecular Anthropology and Microbiome Research) Lab Meeting, Virtual.
(2022) Eppley M. “Research Synopsis: Genetic basis of adaptation to multivariate environments through space and time” Evolving Seas Research Coordinated Network (RCN) Training and Integration Workshop, Shoals Marine Lab, Appledore Island, Maine. (Lightning Talk)
Conservation Genetics Across Multiple Species, Organizers: Dr. Ruth Rivkin & Dr. Chloé Schmidt
(2024) Eppley M., Rumberger C., Lotterhos K. "Combining insights from contemporary range-wide population structure and historic DNA to inform conservation of the eastern oyster" 3rd Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology, Montréal, Canada. [Video Recording]
Regular Conference Contributed
(2023) Eppley M., Lotterhos K. “Geographic associations of eastern oyster phenotypes and macroparasite presence” Evolution 2023, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
(2023) Eppley M. “Spatial and temporal scales of adaptation in the eastern oyster” Gloucester Marine Genomics Institute - Northeastern University Retreat, Gloucester, Massachusetts.
Annual Department Symposium
(2024) Eppley M. "Revealing adaptation to a severe disease epizootic in the eastern oyster using historic DNA" Northeastern University Marine Science Center Graduate Symposium, Nahant, Massachusetts. Awarded Best Talk (2nd place) by faculty judging and Best Talk (3rd place) by graduate student judging.
(2023) Eppley M. “Geographic associations of eastern oyster phenotypes and macroparasite presence” Northeastern University Marine Science Center Graduate Symposium, Nahant, Massachusetts.
(2022) Eppley M. “Spatio-temporal dynamics of oyster disease pressure driven by abiotic stressors in the Chesapeake Bay” Northeastern University Marine Science Center Graduate Symposium, Nahant, Massachusetts. (Lightning Talk)
Additional Talks
(2024) Eppley M. "Revealing 25 years of genomic evolution in the eastern oyster using preserved historic museum specimens" American Museum of Natural History Ancient DNA Workshop, New York City, New York. (Lightning Talk)
(2023) Eppley M. "Revealing 25 years of genomic evolution in the eastern oyster using preserved historic museum specimens" University of Oklahoma LMAMR (Laboratories of Molecular Anthropology and Microbiome Research) Lab Meeting, Virtual.
(2022) Eppley M. “Research Synopsis: Genetic basis of adaptation to multivariate environments through space and time” Evolving Seas Research Coordinated Network (RCN) Training and Integration Workshop, Shoals Marine Lab, Appledore Island, Maine. (Lightning Talk)
Poster Presentations
(2024) Eppley M., Lee A., Swank A., Curtis L., Estien C., Forg L., Dellinger R., Jones A. Centering justice and belonging for progress: Queer perspectives on ineffective DEI initiatives in ecology and evolutionary biology. 3rd Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology, Montréal, Canada.
(2023) Crandall, E.D., Toczydlowski, R., Liggins L., Gaither, M.R., Pritt, A., Wham, B. Morr, D., Dudas, P. … Eppley, M. ... Riginos, C., Toonen, R.J. (36 total co-authors) “GEODE: A Global Genomic Observatories Diversity Explorer”. Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network 2023 Meeting. Montréal, Canada. (Non-presenting author)
(2022) Eppley M, Lotterhos K. “Spatio-temporal dynamics of disease pressure driven by abiotic stressors and implications for space-for-time substitution modeling” Evolution 2022, Cleveland, Ohio.
(2022) Eppley M, Lotterhos K. “Visualizing the impact of spatio-temporal marine stressors on oyster evolution using generalized additive models and GIS” Northeastern GIS Symposium 2022, Boston, Mass.
(2022) Leung E, Eppley M, Lotterhos K. “Synopsis of Non-Invasive Genotyping Methods with Associated Mortality for Juvenile Eastern Oysters” SSMPG 2022, Aussios, France. (Non-presenting author)
(2023) Crandall, E.D., Toczydlowski, R., Liggins L., Gaither, M.R., Pritt, A., Wham, B. Morr, D., Dudas, P. … Eppley, M. ... Riginos, C., Toonen, R.J. (36 total co-authors) “GEODE: A Global Genomic Observatories Diversity Explorer”. Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network 2023 Meeting. Montréal, Canada. (Non-presenting author)
(2022) Eppley M, Lotterhos K. “Spatio-temporal dynamics of disease pressure driven by abiotic stressors and implications for space-for-time substitution modeling” Evolution 2022, Cleveland, Ohio.
(2022) Eppley M, Lotterhos K. “Visualizing the impact of spatio-temporal marine stressors on oyster evolution using generalized additive models and GIS” Northeastern GIS Symposium 2022, Boston, Mass.
(2022) Leung E, Eppley M, Lotterhos K. “Synopsis of Non-Invasive Genotyping Methods with Associated Mortality for Juvenile Eastern Oysters” SSMPG 2022, Aussios, France. (Non-presenting author)
Invited Panels
(2023) Pathways to Research Careers in Marine Science, Northeastern University Marine Biology Club, Northeastern University.
(2022) The Graduate School Application Process: Life Sciences, Biology Department Alumni Representative. Division of Science and Math, Bard College at Simon’s Rock.
(2022) Navigating the Graduate School Application Process, Graduate Student Representative. BEACHES (Bridging Each Applicant’s Chances for Higher Education Success) Workshop, Northeastern University.
(2022) Senior Thesis Alumni Panel, Division of Science and Math Representative. Senior Thesis Workshop, Bard College at Simon’s Rock.
(2020) Senior Thesis Alumni Panel, Division of Science and Math Representative. Senior Thesis Workshop, Bard College at Simon’s Rock.
(2022) The Graduate School Application Process: Life Sciences, Biology Department Alumni Representative. Division of Science and Math, Bard College at Simon’s Rock.
(2022) Navigating the Graduate School Application Process, Graduate Student Representative. BEACHES (Bridging Each Applicant’s Chances for Higher Education Success) Workshop, Northeastern University.
(2022) Senior Thesis Alumni Panel, Division of Science and Math Representative. Senior Thesis Workshop, Bard College at Simon’s Rock.
(2020) Senior Thesis Alumni Panel, Division of Science and Math Representative. Senior Thesis Workshop, Bard College at Simon’s Rock.
Thanks to the Lotterhos Lab, Northeastern University PhD Network, Northeastern University College of Science, Northeastern University Marine and Environmental Science Department, and the Society for the Study of Evolution for the travel support and funding to present my work at past Evolution Conferences!
See my application resources for travel grants on the Awards & Grants page.
See my application resources for travel grants on the Awards & Grants page.